Young Kim tweeted the following:
"In the hot seat with @Elex_Michaelson & @MarlaTellez on @FOXLA talking about growing threats from the CCP & TikTok. Thanks for having me!"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Young Kim:
"Got a sneak peek of the new @SunriseSrLiving facility in #Orange ahead of its grand opening next month. Thank you to their hardworking team for the tour & for all that you do to provide quality care for seniors. I will always support our seniors in Congress."Read on Twitter
"Thank you to Chief Dan Adams & @CityofOrangePD for meeting with me to discuss public safety issues and learn more about all that you do on the front lines each day to keep #Orange safe." on Feb. 21Read on Twitter
"Authoritarian regimes are emboldened by Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. The U.S. must keep our word & deliver on backlogged arms sales to Taiwan, South Korea & other Indo-Pacific allies as the CCP & Kim regime boost aggression in the region." on Feb. 21Read on Twitter