Young Kim tweeted the following:
"Semiconductor chips are in nearly every technology at our fingertips, from cell phones to cars. The Chinese Communist Party should not control the gears keeping our country running. That's why I supported the CHIPS Act to boost U.S. chip production & secure supply chains."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Young Kim:
"For America to be respected and trusted on the world stage, promises made to our allies must be promises kept.My Arms Exports Delivery Solutions Act became law through the NDAA to track delivery of backlogged arms sales to Taiwan, South Korea, Japan & other Indo-Pacific allies."Read on Twitter
"The SEC proposed 33 rules this year alone, nearly triple the average since 2012.I introduced the REG Act with @RepFrenchHill & @RepHuizenga to establish Congressional oversight of SEC regulations & ensure rules aren't holding back small businesses."Read on Twitter
"Ones background or zip code should not determine ones success. All Americans should be able to be judged on their merits and achieve their dream."Read on Twitter